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Arthritis and Social Security Disability

Rheumatoid Arthritis as a Disability --  Lawyer

What Social Security Is Looking For Regarding Arthritis

People diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis can qualify for Social Security Disability benefits if they suffer from persistent deformity or persistent inflammation of one or more peripheral joints (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, fingers) in each upper extremity (arms) that results in the inability to perform fine and gross movements effectively. Here, the ability to "perform fine and gross movements effectively" includes the inability to prepare a simple meal, to feed oneself, to take care of personal hygiene, sort and handle papers or files, or place files in a file cabinet at or above the waist level.

At the Social Security Disability benefits law doffice of ______ I work closely with people disabled by arthritis in preparing and filing applications for Social Security Disability Insurance. If you have already applied or have had your initial application denied,contact ______ to schedule a free consultation to learn how we can help you.

Disability and Arthritis

In order to qualify for Social Security benefits your arthritis must prevent you from performing certain tasks, as well as exhibit certain physical symptoms. You may be found disabled if you have persistent inflammation or deformity of one or more major peripheral weight bearing joints (hips, knees, ankles, foot, toes) that results in your inability to "ambulate effectively." The inability to ambulate effectively includes the inability to do the following:

  • Walk without the use of a walker
  • Walk without two crutches or two canes
  • Walk a block at a reasonable pace on rough or uneven surfaces
  • Use standard public transportation
  • Do shopping or banking
  • Climb a few steps at a reasonable pace with the use of a single hand rail

Additional Physical Considerations and Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security will also look to see if there are constitutional symptoms or signs of arthritis, such as involuntary weight loss, severe fatigue, malaise (feeling sick), and fever that limit activities of daily living, maintaining social functioning, and completing tasks in a timely manner due to deficiencies in concentration, persistence, or pace.

Other arthritic conditions that are also considered are Ankylosing Spondylitis or other spondyloarthropathies, and some arthritic inflammations or deformities of other organs/body systems. More information regarding arthritis and benefits-eligible associated conditions are provided by the Social Security Administration's website.

Contact a Provo, Utah Social Security Disability Benefits Attorney

 If your arthritis prevents you from working, contact ______ to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case to learn how I can help you receive the benefits you need and deserve.